Ciudadano del mundo

Alguna vez te haz preguntado ¡Como hacer para convertirte en un ciudadano del mundo?
No lo se aún, pero cada día nos vamos convirtiendo en ciudadanos y en la medida en que entramos en contacto con países que no son el nuestro, con culturas muy diferentes a la que estamos familiarizados, regímenes, religiones, sistemas de producción que no conocemos, nos vamos convirtiéndonos en ciudadanos del mundo - global citizen- .

miércoles, diciembre 21, 2011

Christmas from the World: Nollaig Shona - "Christmas Greetings!" from Ireland

Cómo celebran la Navidad o estas fechas en otros lugares del mundo, varios colegas de todas partes del mundo me compartieron esta interesante información.

Nollaig Shona - "Christmas Greetings!" from Ireland

I have received this information from my colleagues around the world which is very interesting to learn about and share.
Nollaig Shona - "Christmas Greetings!" from Ireland

In Ireland, late fall is the time of the year to make the house ready for the upcoming holiday celebrations. An Irish home is cleaned top to bottom, and special holiday linens would be brought out of storage. Olden days in Ireland would see the home being white washed and general repairs to the home. Once all is clean it is ready for festive Christmas decorating!

Irish Celtic Traditions

No Irish home would be complete without the holly. Holly with its glossy green leaves and festive red berries are perfect for holiday decorating. At Christmas in Ireland, holly was used to decorate the entire house. A spray was placed over the door as well as on the mantle, around picture frames, among the plates on the cupboard, as candle rings and in other areas of the home. Gifts of holly boughs were also given to neighbors. One charming folklore superstition was that the fairy folk would come in out of the cold to find shelter in the holly branches.

To the Celtics holly represented both life and rebirth, the evergreen leaves symbolized life during a time when all else was bare and the red berries represented the coming of Spring. With the coming of Christianity to Ireland the berries took on a new meaning, new life in Christ.

Irish Food

The Christmas cooking would start early with the making of the plum pudding, breads and spiced beef. A traditional Irish Christmas meal might consist of roasted goose or roasted Turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, sausages, and puddings. Spiced beef is often eaten sliced cold with fresh bread in the days after the main feast.

Irish Hospitality
Hospitality is abundant in Ireland and it is reflected in many holiday customs. A lighted candle would be placed in the window as a welcome beacon for both traveler and wandering priest. The candle is placed in the window on Christmas eve to signify the welcome the Holy family looking for shelter. Another aspect of Irish hospitality is seen after the Christmas meal. The doors are left unlocked and the table is set with bread and milk for travelers who might come in the night after seeing the welcome of the lighted candle in the window.

The 12 Days of Christmas

The twelve days of Christmas are celebrated between the birth of Christ, December 26 and the Epiphany,(coming of the Magi) January 6. A small gift would be given on each day during this time. The 12 days of Christmas included many festivities including parties and the visiting of friends, family and neighbours. Twelfth night would be the end of the celebrations and the day that holiday decorations were taken down.
An Irish Christmas Blessing

The light of the Christmas star to you
The warmth of home and hearth to you
The cheer and good will of friends to you
The hope of a childlike heart to you
The joy of a thousand angels to you
The love of the Son and God's peace to you.

Una bendición de Navidad (Irlanda)
La luz de la estrella de Navidad para ti
El calor del hogar y la chimenea para ti
El cariño y la buena voluntad de los amigos para ti
La esperanza de un corazón como de niño para ti
La alegría de miles de ángeles para ti
El amor del hijo de Dios y la Paz de Dios para ti.


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