Ciudadano del mundo

Alguna vez te haz preguntado ¡Como hacer para convertirte en un ciudadano del mundo?
No lo se aún, pero cada día nos vamos convirtiendo en ciudadanos y en la medida en que entramos en contacto con países que no son el nuestro, con culturas muy diferentes a la que estamos familiarizados, regímenes, religiones, sistemas de producción que no conocemos, nos vamos convirtiéndonos en ciudadanos del mundo - global citizen- .

viernes, diciembre 23, 2011

Christmas from the World: Hong Kong

 Christmas decorations in the Central business district
Cómo celebran la Navidad o estas fechas en otros lugares del mundo, varios colegas de todas partes del mundo me compartieron esta interesante información.

Christmas from the World: Hong Kong

I have received this information from my colleagues around the world which is very interesting to learn about and share:
Thank you for the Christmas greetings from many of you.  May I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2012.

Hong Kong is a busy city of the east meeting the west.  Christmas is more of a commercial festivity yet give time for family and friends to get together.
My Christmas is centered around the midnight mass and because of the volume of church goers for this special gathering, I normally have to wrap myself up warmly and attend the mass outdoors, watching a large screen. 

It is fun to walk around the nicely decorated office buildings and shopping malls during this holiday season, to feel the happy spirit and make good use of the holiday to have some quality time with the family.
Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland  
Christmas decorations on office buildings along the harbour front 


Christmas in Hong Kong

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