Ciudadano del mundo

Alguna vez te haz preguntado ¡Como hacer para convertirte en un ciudadano del mundo?
No lo se aún, pero cada día nos vamos convirtiendo en ciudadanos y en la medida en que entramos en contacto con países que no son el nuestro, con culturas muy diferentes a la que estamos familiarizados, regímenes, religiones, sistemas de producción que no conocemos, nos vamos convirtiéndonos en ciudadanos del mundo - global citizen- .

viernes, junio 11, 2010

The end of the journey is never easy- El final de un viaje nunca es fácil

Egipto - Un extracto del blog de Gustavo

Hola Claudia te mando unas fotos para que escojas las que mas te gusten. Y este extracto de uno de mis blogs:

The end of a journey is never easy, you get to deal with mixed emotions.
While I’m sitting at the Charles DeGaulle airport in Paris ,I think about all that has happen in the last month, we are proud and happy since we finished the project with success, getting nothing but good comments, we believe we did something to help poor farmers in Egypt to get access to better conditions but still there is lots to do.

We discovered as a family a wonderful country full of history, mix of cultures, ancient and modern, with lots of challenges on their future but also full of people enthusiastic like Tarek and Dr Hussein, with a dream of a better Egypt.

While hope and pride fills our spirit, we are also sad about leaving, nostalgic about having to split and go back to our different countries. We were a family and now have seen each other starting to fade, Priyank was the first, then me, and so will be for the rest of the team until we become a memory on the lands of Misr.

Some of us will meet again, some probably not, but we will always carry the memory of those 30 wonderful days in Egypt, along with a couple of hundred pictures, that will not let us forget about this wonderful adventure.
And at the end there is that mix of joy and excitement about going back home, to our families and friends, to our day to day jobs, to our countries, hopefully more aware of our own role in making this planet a better world.


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